

I apologize for the delay in both this blog and my ancestry research, but I must admit that my dissertation has consumed my life at the current time. By this time next year (2014), I hope to be done with my dissertation and once again progressing through my family research!

In the meantime, if anyone has any tips on finding any information on the following families, I am all ears:

  • William DeGroff- Rochester, NY (late 1800's-early 1900's)
  • Henry, Minnie and Charles Gimble- Rose Mount, IA (mid 1800's); Rochester, NY (early 1900's)
  • Hagerstrand- Preferably central Ohio, Pittsburgh area or Sweden, but possibly Chicago (1800's)
  • Warner- Milwaukee area (1800's)
I really appreciate those of you, like my sister, who read this blog! I promise to post future gems as I am able to return to my family research. In the meantime, I am off to write my educational research proposal!

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